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Top 10 Best Support Classes AQWorlds

Dansverine will share Top 10 Best AQW Support Classes all the time. This Support Class is very useful for battles against Boss Monsters who have HP and Height. Support classes are usually used when Party with other players. When fighting bosses, there are usually people who use High Damage Classes and this Support Class is useful to help other players with skills such as Healing Power, increase damage to other players, increase defense, have the ability to deal buffs and debuffs.

This Support class is not very useful if you use it solo against Boss but this class is very useful when partying with other players.

Best Support Classes AQWorlds

Following are the Top 10 Best Support Classes of AQW all of time, Descriptions of skills, Class Review and How to get the class:

​1. StoneCrusher

StoneCrushers has a Special Effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on the damage relative to *their own* HP total.

Use with classes that benefit from haste and crit chance, especially calendar classes. Also offers damage resistance and HoT buffs.

You can get this class from StoneCrusher Class Merge Shop. Need the item following Earth's Song Token and Shaman Armor. Requires Rank 10 Brightoak.

​​Offensive: SS
Defensive: S

​2. Lord of Order

Lords of Order has a Special Effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to their own HP total.

You can get this class from Quest The Final Challenge. It is Daily Quest.

Use with classes that need haste, hit chance, and crit damage. Also offers healing, primary stat buffs, and enemy damage negation.

​Offensive: SS
Defensive: S

​3. LightCaster

LightCaster has a special effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to "their own" HP total.

Use in long fights due to its stacking incoming damage mechanic. Also offers haste, crit chance, dodge, healing, and more.

You can get this class from Aranx's Quest

Offensive: S
Defensive: S

​4. Legion Revenant

This class is able to finish off enemies with a strong Area of ​​Effect attack, has a potential buff and is able to knock out debuffs for his enemy. So do not be surprised if this class is listed first.

Legion Revenant has a special effects regain mana from all hits landed in combat, more if it is a critical strike. the quantity of mana regained is predicated on the quantity of injury done relative to their own HP total and All Area of Effect Skills do 50% of the original damage to secondary targets.

Use in long fights due to its stacking incoming damage mechanic. Also offers increased outgoing magical and physical damage, crit chance, and dodge.

You can get this class from Quest Legion Fealty 4

Offensive: S
Defensive: A

​5. Frostval Barbarian

Frostval Barbarians has a Special Effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total.

You can get this class from Quest Unleash the Frostvale Barbarian. (Seasonal)

Pair with classes that are mana hungry, such as Shaman. Offers high mana cost reduction, crit chance, crit damage, and HoT buffs.

Offensive: A
Defensive: A

6. Arachnomancer

Arachnomancer has a Special Effect Gains mana when Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits and Dodge an attack (restores HP as well).

You can get this class from Arachnomancer Shop, Requires 10 Rank Ravenloss.

Only use this class with a StoneCrusher or Lord of Order so that you can loop your skills. Arachnomancer greatly assists DoT classes, like ShadowStalker of Time.

Offensive: A
Defensive: D

​7. Legendary ArchFiend

Legendary ArchFiend has a Special Effect gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total. The lower your HP, the less mana you'll heal.

You can get this class from ArchFiend Merge Shop. Need item Fiend Token x30.

Use this class with a StoneCrusher or Lord of Order so that you can loop your 5th skill. It's great with classes that benefit from crit chance, like Immortal Chronomancer.

Offensive: A
Defensive: D

8. LightMage

LightMage has a Special Effects gain mana when they Strike a enemy in combat (more effective on crits)and Are struck by an enemy in combat.

You can get this class from LightMage Class Shop. Need item Lightmage Class Token A, Lightmage Class Token B, and Lightmage Class Token C.

Use in long fights due to its stacking incoming damage mechanic. Also offers haste, crit chance, dodge, healing, and more. This is a weaker version of LightCaster.

​Offensive: A
Defensive: A

9. Chaos Slayer

Chaos Slayer Class has a Special Effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to "their own" HP total.

Decreases the enemy's hit chance, dodge chance, crit chance, damage, and haste. Can also make them take more or less damage.

You can get this class From Chaos Slayer Class Shop, you must have completed the 'Drakath Faced' quest to access this shop in Mount Doomskull and This Class Need Rank 10 Chaos Reputation.

​​Offensive: B
Defensive: S

10. ArchPaladin

ArchPaladin Class has a Special Effects gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on crits. The amount depends on damage relative to "their own" HP total.

Reduces the enemy's damage, dodge chance, crit chance, crit damage, and hit chance. Also provides healing, extra defence, and damage.

You can get this class from ArchPaladin Shop, and Requires completion of the 'Sacred Magic: Eden' quest.

​​Offensive: C
Defensive: SS


Now that's a Top 10 Best Support Class AQW. Hopefully with this list, you can more easily choose a support class, so you can more easily defeat the boss with other players. You can also try using the Best AQW Solo Class, if you are bored using the support class.

Don't forget to share so everyone knows about AQW Top 10 Best Support Class of All Time. If you want to provide suggestions for the list above, please comment via the comment column below.

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2 komentar untuk "Top 10 Best Support Classes AQWorlds"

  1. Lord of Order should be the best support class not stonecrusher, they give buff almost on everything and very usefull for any class

    1. The amount of the buff is massive too and all their skill is pure support type
